Character Analysis for The Schwa Was Here!

Anthony Borano "Antsy"- an Italian eighth grader who has a pretty normal life. Anthony acts like every other teenager in this book. He is learning and experiencing new things that changes him as a person. He also adds alot of comedy in this book, which makes him as a main character, and the book, more enjoyable.

Calvin Schwa "the Schwa"- Calvin has been unnoticed almost his whole life. Calvin has a dull appearance and blends into almost any of his surroundings. He is tired of feeling invisible by everyone around him, including his father.

Lexis Crawley- Mr. Crawleys granddaughter. She comes to visit him often, and is handicaped. She fell when she was an infant which damaged her Visual Cortex. Therefore, she had become blind, but it never stopped her from doing anything. Lexis is capable of doing anything and everything that Antsy and Calvin do. Lexis was also Antsys girlfriend but after a short period of time, they broke up.

Mr. Crawley- An old man who everyone is frightened of. He is very wealthy and known for his high power and unreasonable attitude towards life. Though, once Anthony got to know Mr. Crawley he wasn't as tough as he was made out to be.

Ira- One of Antsy's bestfriends who is very repulsive towards the Schwa.

Howie- Another one of Antsy's bestfriends who is smart, but doesn't have any common sense. Howie also adds some comedy into this book.