All of these words together clearly explains the whole book. Schwa is the biggest word because Calvin Schwa plays a big role in the book. Antsy is also in big letters because Antsy and Schwa become best friends. Antsy tries to help the Schwa become more noticeable and sees him when no one else does. Two little words that have important meanings are: desire and existence. Desire is very important throughout the entire story because Calvin desires to be noticeable. He wants people to know his name, and know who he is. Existence is another important word because Calvin struggles with the thought if he even exists. He is afraid that one day he will disappear out of thin air. This book is mainly about teens finding out who they really are. Calvin is hardly noticed at all even when he tries his hardest. Even his own father barely can keep out for him. Antsy, who is the protagonist, is the middle child out of his family. He isn't really noticed either by his parents because of his perfect little sister and his straight A student brother; Antsy finally has the guts to tell his parents that his dad cooks better then his mom.  This book is all about making a statement and becoming visible. For example, when Calvin pays all of his savings to put the billboard up of him saying "The Schwa Was Here" shows he is trying to make himself visible and make a statement.